Hearing aids typically last between three and seven years, but as with any technology, taking proper care of your hearing devices will help ensure you get the most use out of them. Here are a few tips and tricks from Hearing Healthcare Center, Inc. to help you take the best care of your hearing aids.
Add Cleaning To Your Daily Routine
Keeping your hearing aids clean makes it easier for them to perform optimally by preventing buildup of earwax, dust, dirt and other debris. Your audiologist can provide a hearing aid kit and teach you how to use it. Do not use water or wet cloths to clean your hearing aids.
Store Your Hearing Devices Properly
Keep your hearing aids in their case when you aren’t wearing them to help keep them safe. Additionally, stand on carpeted surfaces when you put them on or remove them so if they fall, they land on a softer surface.
Keep Your Hands Clean
Wash and dry your hands before touching your hearing aids to avoid buildup of oils, sweat and dirt.
Make Sure Your Hearing Aids Stay Dry
Water or moisture cause certain hearing aid components to malfunction or the battery to corrode. This may be an issue if you are spending time in humid or rainy areas, but there are several steps you can take if your devices get wet.
- Use a dehumidifier or dry box to dry them out.
- Open the battery compartment and let it air out.
Take Your Hearing Aids for Clean and Check
Typically, clean and check appointments should occur twice a year. At Hearing Healthcare Center, Inc., we’ll clean hard-to-reach areas on your device and make sure everything is working as it should be. Contact us today to get your next clean and check appointment on your calendar.