What To Know About Misophonia
Most people are familiar with the shoulder-shuddering effect of hearing nails on a chalkboard. For people with misophonia, this skin-crawling sensation can occur from any type of sound. Also referred to as sound sensitivity syndrome, misophonia is characterized by a strong emotional and physical response to specific sounds. While the sound triggers vary from person…
How Do I Protect My Child From Hearing Loss Due To Headphones
It is likely common knowledge that exposure to loud noises over time can be detrimental to hearing, but what about the effects of wearing headphones, especially among adolescents? As more research becomes available, it’s clear that noise-induced hearing loss is common but preventable. As a parent, you can teach your child to protect their hearing…
What To Know About Temporary Threshold Shift
Many people are familiar with the sensation of muffled hearing and a ringing in the ears following a concert, party or loud movie. This muffled hearing phenomenon is a sign of a temporary threshold shift. As the name suggests (TTS), is a temporary shift in your hearing ability that returns to baseline levels over time….
What to Know About Musician’s Monitors for Hearing Protection?
Musicians are exposed to consistent loud noises as part of their hobby or work. Hearing loss developed from exposure to loud noises is common, impacting 18% of adults aged 18-69 after five years of exposure to loud noises at work. Because of this, musicians are more likely than the rest of the population to experience…
What Is Pulsatile Tinnitus?
Most people are familiar with that thumping or pulsing sound in their ears after heavy exercise. However, a smaller section of people will hear this noise outside of strenuous activity. Pulsing may arise at any time, even when lying perfectly still. This pulsing in your ears outside of exercise is known as pulsatile tinnitus. Tinnitus…
How Can You Accommodate Hearing Loss During A Job Interview?
Choosing the right font, wording and layout in the process of polishing your latest resume is the first step in beginning your job search. Once your resume has helped you land a job interview, it is essential to determine the best way to approach your interviewing process with hearing loss. Hearing loss can add extra…
Understanding the Different Types of Hearing Aids
Approximately 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from the use of hearing aids. If you have decided to begin treating your hearing loss with these small but technologically advanced devices, you may have a lot of questions about your options. Hearing aid selection is influenced by multiple factors, including: The type of hearing aid you…
Common Hearing Aid Mishaps and How to Avoid Them
Hearing loss is a highly prevalent condition, with 1.5 billion people worldwide experiencing some degree of it. Hearing aids are one great way that hearing loss can be managed. The small but powerful devices have a microphone that collects sound, an amplifier that raises its volume, and a speaker that transmits it directly into the…
Tips for Protecting Hearing Aids With an Active Lifestyle
Approximately 15% of U.S. adults report some trouble hearing. Knowing how to accommodate for your hearing loss with the use of hearing aids can help you continue to enjoy an active lifestyle of hiking and running at Garvin Park, swimming at the lake and more. Hearing aids are small but technologically advanced devices with a…
If You Have Hearing Loss, It’s Important To Protect Your Remaining Hearing
If you have hearing loss, any remaining hearing you have without aids is referred to as residual hearing. While your hearing loss may progress over time, protecting your residual hearing will help prevent unnecessary loss. In 2019, 7.1% of adults aged 45 and over used a hearing aid. The technologically advanced devices have a microphone…